Our Team

Faculty and Staff


Pastor Richard Wallace
Pastor Richard WallaceAdministratorpastorwallace@templebc.org
Carin Gibbs
Carin GibbsAdministrative Principalcgibbs@templechristian.com

Elementary Faculty

Yolanda Phelps
Yolanda PhelpsKindergarten yphelps@templechristian.com
Kathryn Mateus
Kathryn Mateus4th Gradekmateus@templechristian.com
Jackie Siefert
Jackie Siefert1st Gradejsiefert@templechristian.com
April Mateus
April Mateus5th Gradeamateus@templechristian.com
Kaetlyn Mooney
Kaetlyn Mooney2nd Gradekmooney@templechristian.com
Nicole Cormack
Nicole Cormack3rd Grade / Bible Quizzingncormack@templechristian.com

Secondary Faculty

Melissa Wright
Melissa WrightMiddle School Englishmwright@templechristian.com
Sarah Dowdy
Sarah Dowdy Middle School Historysdowdy@templechristian.com
Gracia Laymon
Gracia LaymonSpanishglaymon@templechristian.com
Krista Perkins
Krista PerkinsMiddle School Science / Mathkperkins@templechristian.com
Casandra Hernandez
Casandra HernandezHigh School Englishchernandez@templechristian.com
Carl Siefert
Carl SiefertBible / Musiccsiefert@templechristian.com
Jacob Mooney
Jacob MooneyScience / Athleticsjmooney@templechristian.com
Gabby Ortiz
Gabby OrtizHigh School Historygortiz@templechristian.com
Carissa Daw
Carissa DawMath and Sciencecdaw@templechristian.com
Kathryn Siefert
Kathryn SiefertMusicksiefert@templechristian.com
Julie Marek
Julie MarekSpecial Education Parateacherjmarek@templechristian.com
LaJeanne Niles
LaJeanne NilesComputer, Substitutelniles@templechristian.com

TCA Support Staff

Beth Alvis
Beth AlvisAdministrative Assistant to the Principalbalvis@templechristian.com
Amy Kriske
Amy KriskeBusiness Office / Events / Athleticsakriske@templechristian.com
Ember Wallace
Ember WallaceReceptionist, Cheer Coachtcaoffice@templechristian.com
Angela Ebsen
Angela EbsenFood Services Coordinator

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Contact Info

2501 Northshore Blvd.
Flower Mound, TX 75028

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Accredited by the American Association of Christian Schools
Proud member of the Mid South American Association of Christian Schools